Advantages Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic dental procedures today. However, due to the many options available for teeth whitening products and services, it can be difficult to determine which one may be the best option for you. As compared to over-the-counter alternatives, professional teeth whitening under the supervision of a dentist can offer many significant advantages, such as increased safety, effectiveness, and longer-lasting results. If you are looking for teeth whitening in Staples, Clarissa, and Long Prairie, MN, consider the expertise of Dr. Dominic Gagnon at Lakeland Dental.

Safety With A Dental Professional

One of the main advantages that professional teeth whitening with a dentist can offer is increased safety. This is because you have the expertise of a dental professional to administer the whitening solution and oversee the entire procedure to make sure the application is done correctly. When seeking teeth whitening services at the dentist, they may use a retractor to keep your lips and cheeks away from your teeth, protected from the whitening solution. Additionally, your dentist will be there to monitor your response to the treatment to avoid any damage that may occur if the whitening solution is not properly applied or left on your teeth for too long. With professional teeth whitening in Staples, Clarissa, and Long Prairie, MN, many people experience peace of mind knowing they are choosing a safe whitening method.

Faster, Longer-Lasting Results

Professional teeth whitening can also save you time and energy as these procedures typically require less whitening time for equal or better results as compared to over-the-counter alternatives such as toothpaste, mouthwash, trays, and gel pens. While the whitening solutions provided over-the-counter can vary greatly in which ingredients they use, overall the concentration of the whitening solution in these products is still much lower than those that are prescribed through the dentist. In-office whitening procedures typically take just one hour to achieve up to six shades brighter, with results lasting up to three years.

Finding The Right Dentist Near You

If you are interested in seeing the advantages of professional teeth whitening in Staples, Clarissa, and Long Prairie, MN, reach out to Dr. Gagnon of Lakeland Dental. For questions or to make an appointment today, please call (218) 894-2201 for the Staples office, (218) 756-2234 for the Clarissa office, and (320) 732-6141 for the Long Prairie office.

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